Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The question of PAIN in animals answered – and what this means for neglected animals

I recently had my attention drawn to an article about pain in animals that was published in the Tufts Veterinary Medicine publication for Winter 2013. The quote that drew my attention:
“As recently as a decade ago, most veterinarians assumed that animals didn’t feel pain, or at least experienced it differently than humans. Now all evidence points to the contrary. Research has shown that animals and humans have similar neural pathways for the development, conduction and modulation of pain, making it pretty likely that our pets experience pain in much same the way we do.”
This issue is so frequently debated and misunderstood that I felt the need to underscore this recent finding from a respected veterinary school.  Especially considering that here in rural Central Virginia, it’s often likely that the majority of pets are kept entirely outdoors and often with NO veterinary care at all.  Dogs typically live and die at the end of a chain or, if running loose, hit by a car or killed by other animals.  The concept of considering the pain suffered by these animals  that are left to the ravages of neglect, disease, injury, and often starvation with no attention or intervention is profound and certainly, if seriously considered by most minimally compassionate humans, would be cause for taking some action to prevent the prevalence of such needless suffering.  And yet – that action is rarely taken.
I don’t have the answer to why attention at the local level is so rarely brought to bear on the inhumanity with which we keep our companion animals (not to mention those not considered companion animals.)  Having tried on many occasions to bring that attention into focus in my own local community and among the local animal advocates, I have experienced not only the apathy but even surprisingly opposition from local advocates who don’t want “to go there.”  To “go there” means to address the sometimes stinging realities that dictate the cultural attitudes and neglect of animals in a community that has not yet reached a level of compassion and honesty that supports humane and responsible care of animals.

While many will ooh and ahh over a rescued dog or cat, there are few that will honestly address the source of the problem – taking concerns to the municipal leadership, pushing for the enactment of necessary local ordinances, organizing or attending informed discussions on the issues. 
No I don’t have answers to the dilemma but I do know that as long as we decline to address the roots of the problem, we will continue to battle the symptoms of the problem – broken animals, needless misery, an endless flow of rescued animals in need of our time, money, and care.   Think about your own answers to this challenge and feel free to share your thoughts and knowledge about how we can bring attention to the prevention of animal neglect.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The ongoing battle for the human soul...

If you don't believe that evil exists and is in force daily in our midst, try following the dog articles reviewed by Penny Eims at Examiner.com (http://www.examiner.com/dogs-in-national) for a week or so. 

And if you don't believe there are true angels that routinely deliver from evil and rescue those in the most abject distress, try following the dog articles reviewed by Penny Eims at Examiner.com (http://www.examiner.com/dogs-in-national). 

Our nation's tragic challenge with the animals in our midst brings us as as sharply in touch with the battle of good and evil as many of us will ever see. The striking reality is that it is all played out daily and often with little to no notice or recognition. It is a battle crying out and offering us the opportunity to take notice, to engage in the battle, to fight the evil and let the good reign victorious. 

Who needs entertainment when real life is begging us to join in.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Learning to Think Outside the Shelter

Be honest.  How many times have you either silently or openly lashed out at pet owners who seem to thoughtlessly give up their pets to a pound?  Of course, it is the endless relinquishment of these pets to the pounds that results in the high euthanasia rates of shelters throughout the Central Virginia region.  Non-profit rescues are currently able to rescue only a fraction of the animals from our region's pounds.  You might think, if only we could stop people from giving up their pets. Well, if we put our collective minds, hearts, and resources to the task of helping people learn and be able to properly care for their pets, we just might be able to do so!

This blog post from the ASPCA is on target with the current goals and focus of the PAWS Safe, Responsible, Humane Communities Initiative in recognizing that we must find ways to help those who acquire animals but find themselves unable to manage them effectively.  Our tools are those of education - on every front possible, and providing access to the knowledge and resources that can help pet owners resolve problems and become effective guardians of their animals.

If you would like to join us as we work to create and offer avenues of support for community education and assistance for compassionate and responsible pet care, please contact us. Help us start the transformation of all our communities in Central Virginia into Safe, Responsible, Humane Communities.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Helping your community: Where to start?

If you are one of the many people who care about animals in our communities and the importance of building safe, responsible, humane communities then you may be wondering how you can help your community move forward.  Anyone and everyone can help our communities become safe, responsible, and humane and your participation is critical!

Step one is to learn what you can about basic factors affecting the management of companion animals (i.e. pets) in your community.  Animal management takes place primarily at the local level. That means that your community’s animal control officers, county or city administration, and/or sheriff’s office are crucial to the administration of effective animal management.  The state provides guidance and a foundation of applicable laws but otherwise provides relatively little oversight of local practices.  Your community administrative agencies are the ones that define the nature of animal management in your community. If it is good - thank them.  If it is not so good, ask for their attention and assistance.

The Companion Animal Survey Report provides a fairly thorough review of the key factors that affect companion animal management and helps to create a stable framework for understanding the challenges and the opportunities. It also provides some detailed information about the specific practices and nature of each of the fifteen counties surveyed.  It is designed to be easy to read and access and to give a broad overview of relevant issues.

The landscape of companion animal management:
One important thing you will learn is that the practice and promotion of humane management of companion animals can be a somewhat contested process. Old customs and attitudes towards animals may oppose the practice of humane management.  For this reason, some communities will avoid openly addressing barriers to humane animal management. In all honesty, such avoidance is not only needless but is in fact, counter to effective government and to the administration of justice and public safety. However, it’s always important to know well any issue that needs to be addressed, to communicate respectfully and clearly with community officials, and to be persistent!

Most of the non-profit activity around companion animal management is seen in efforts to re-home shelter cats and dogs and to reduce the rates of euthanasia for unwanted animals.  If you are one of the volunteers that support these valuable services – THANK YOU!  However, not everyone that cares about animals is prepared to work with fostered animals or shelters.  In fact, the focus of the Safe, Responsible, Humane Communities Initiative begins with preventing the need for animal sheltering.  With an emphasis on enabling our communities to provide education, effective animal law enforcement, and access to pet care resources we strive to reach and teach pet owners to help them provide good care for their pets and, in so doing, keep these pets out of the shelters, off the streets, and away from neglect and abuse.

Your awareness and your voice in support of Safe, Responsible, Humane Communities is the foundation that will help us achieve this goal!  The easiest way to sum up our process is that we seek to encourage all community members to become learners and teachers about effective companion animal management and humane education. The principles are simple and effective and their application can transform the nature of animal welfare in any community that cares to do so.

Below are some tips for getting started.  Start wherever you are and build your skills and knowledge. You may be very surprised at how much you learn and what ways you find that you can make a difference!
  • Be the example you want to see in others.  Have your pets licensed, provided with identification – collar, tag, and microchip, spayed or neutered, and provided with appropriate veterinary care. Learn how to care for them properly and respect their needs: for security, for companionship, for quality nutrition, for exercise and housing, and most of all for your patience and love.
  • Become acquainted with and follow the laws that pertain to responsible animal ownership at the state level as well as the community level.   Knowing these laws – even just a few of the key ones such as those addressed in our survey – will give you the foundation you need to support and build your community’s progress in animal welfare.
  • Know the resources available to your community. There are many non-profit assistance organizations and animal welfare services around the Central Virginia region these days.
  • Hold the expectation that your community will honestly enforce the laws that pertain to and protect animals.  Voice this expectation at every opportunity and encourage others to do the same.
  • Get to know your supervisor or council representative.  You can request a meeting with him or her or talk with them at public board or council meetings. These representatives are there to serve your interests in the community.  Share your knowledge and concerns with your representative along with some proposals for feasible solutions. If you can, consider offering your help to work with community agents to address the issues. 
  • Ask questions and require answers.  Give yourself permission to learn all you can about policies and procedures in your community’s management of animals.  Public awareness and sound guidance are the keys to bringing about the best behavior and practices in any community.
  • Keep issues alive by TALKING about them!  Share concerns and information about animal issues in your community with others: friends, family, neighbors.  Don’t let your concerns be swept under the rug – out of sight and out of mind. 
  • Put it in Writing.  Do you like to write? Identify specific issues in need of change in your community – for instance a need for a ban on dogs-running-at-large or to increase enforcement of licensing laws because too many dogs are found stray with no tags.  In the wake of a specific occurrence or public disturbance ask your local paper to run a story.  Once an issue is in the papers you can also build on it with well-written, timely letters to the editor.  If you really like to write, consider proposing a series of public information articles on responsible pet care topics that you could write for your local newspaper.
  • Enlist friends to work with you! Engaging in your community is much more fun as well as more effective when you can voice your interests in concert with others who share those interests.  A growing chorus of knowledgeable and respectful voices making a reasonable request is difficult to avoid.  Your leaders need to hear your persistent sincerity and that others share your concerns. 
I'm happy to offer you suggestions, direct you to information, or provide other assistance I can to help you in your efforts.  The critical point is that you find ways to make your knowledge and expectations known to your community members and leaders and that you be respectful, reasonably well-informed, and honest.  You can contact me: Alice Leigh at alm@myrtlerun.com or 540-967-0999.  Your thoughts and additions below are welcomed!

Monday, January 7, 2013

The greatness of a nation...

Our ability to embrace compassion and empathy for those who share our world, to treat all members - even the least ranking and non-human members - with respect, is central to our wellbeing. Only when able to overcome the limitations of our compassion will we fully develop our potential and the greatness that is possible of a human(e) community. And there is no better place to learn the practice of compassion than with the lowest ranking of our community members - the animals that share our world.

Imagine a community that embraces compassion for life at the foundation, and that honors and promotes the safety and wellbeing of its members by building an ethic of personal responsibility, accountability, and informed decision-making.

As science continues to overrule the conventional assumptions about what makes humans different from other animals - a characteristic to be celebrated in humans is their amazing capacity for learning, problem-solving, and above all, compassion. Non-human animals also exhibit these traits - but humans possess the greatest capacity to transform our world through compassion and problem-solving.

Some believe that we're in transition from an "age of information" to an "age of humanity" or an "age of compassion". Major successes occur routinely in efforts to mobilize and advance our compassionate engagement with our world. Organizations like the Institute for Humane Education embrace and share solutions for advancement in compassion in all areas of human activity. The Humane Society of the United States, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and numerous other organizations have seen great success in advancing social awareness and progress towards compassion for the animals in our world. Major religions are increasingly recognizing and embracing the importance of compassion - not only for humans but for all of God's creation: World's Major Religions Call for Compassion for Animals.

While the challenges remain great, the hope for a compassionate world is alive and well and your engagement in its progress is invited and celebrated! Please join us and others as we work together to continue to share and build compassion for animals and people in our own local communities here in Central Virginia.